Support the extensive ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ USA young adults program by helping us fund our core activities in fulfilling our mandate to support Israel, educate the Church, and promote justice.
Donations allow us to maintain funding for emergency projects, and embark on new initiatives to support Israel in these critical days.
Donate Online
Use our secure online donation processing system to make your gift via credit card. You can also select to make your gift recurring for a time period of your choosing. Click here to donate.
Important Note: please ensure that you are on the region of our site that matches your country. Check your country’s flag is displayed in the top right of the page to be certain your gift will be fully tax-deductible.
Send a Check
Please make the check out to “ICEJ” and mail to the address below:
MSC 7505
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem – USA, Inc.
PO Box 415000
Nashville, TN 37241-7505